SOAR Top of Page
Our committed staff and students embrace the SOAR principles, prioritize college and career readiness, and foster confidence and adaptability in a constantly evolving world, all while making meaningful contributions to society.
Student Learner Outcomes (SLOs)
Our students will be able to:
Be Safe:
Stay vigilant and report anything suspicious.
Familiarize yourself with emergency procedures.
Use safe transportation methods.
Practice healthy habits.
Trust your instincts.
Promote safe language and kindness.
Contribute to a positive and secure school environment.
Support and respect everyone.
Measured by: Suspension/Expulsion/Attendance and Referral Data
Show Ownership:
Actively participate in class.
Ask questions and seek help when needed.
Engage in self-directed learning outside of class.
Demonstrate accountability and commitment to personal and academic growth.
Take ownership of post-graduation plans.
Prepare effectively for post-graduation goals.
Measured by: Graduation, College and Career Readiness, and CTE rates
Demonstrate Acceptance:
Promote inclusive language and behavior.
Celebrate diversity.
Mitigate instances of bullying and exclusion.
Develop essential social and emotional skills to thrive in a diverse world.
Measured by: DEI, the RTI data, improved Reading and Math skills as measured by PLC process
Be Responsible:
Show cooperation and support for fellow students and educators.
Understand how your actions impact others.
Create an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and safe.
Hold yourself and others accountable for actions.
Foster a culture of mutual support, collaboration, and growth within the learning community.
Measured by: School culture surveys, SOAR effectiveness through PBIS data, Hero Data